You can communicate your order with us every day (even on holidays) through WhatsApp or Telegram online applications. You can also send your files to the support department through Telegram. We will sincerely respond to your messages. It is suggested that you contact us by text or voice to get free advice and more information from the Telegram application. Also, if you need a phone conversation, you can contact us
Dear customers who live in Europe and especially in Portugal, to receive our online services, they can talk to the operators at the bottom of the website and also throughWhatsApp or Telegram software to communicate with us
Online Chat on website
Our supporters, every day during business hours by answering your questions from the online chat section that is placed on the bottom page of the site. You can also send your desired files this way.
Responding to issues, problems and questions in the shortest possible time and with the best possible quality is the factor of satisfaction of our regular customers.
Our support team has made it easier and faster for you by using these features.
With the help of the online user support system, you can easily communicate with the relevant department or unit and present your doubts, problems and problems and get answers to your questions
Contac Form
In order to make it easier for customers to contact the support and services section of the site, we have chosen the contact form as another way that you can send emails to our various service departments in a very short period of time and by filling in a few fields.
This form also has the ability to upload files and you can communicate with us in the shortest possible time, at all hours of the day.
Just go to the About Us section on the top of the main page of the site and after clicking on this option, the About Us page will open, which is located at the bottom of the contact form page.
You can send us an email without leaving the site by filling out this section so that you will receive your answer as soon as possible, or you can be contacted by registering a phone number.
Low price, good quality and high speed
And also providing online and mepochanized services without the need to visit in person from all over the world